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To place your own musics or sounds on your missions, all of them must be converted in .ogg (use audacity, online converter, etc..)




Make folder in your mission folder named "music"

Exemple : C:\Users\your_profile\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\your_mission\music


Place all of your music in .ogg inside

In your mission folder, make text file and create class CfgMusic in following this step

For exemple for 2 musics, it should be like this

class CfgMusic
class music1
name = "music1";
sound[] = {"music\music1.ogg", db+0, 1.0};
class music2
name = "music2";
sound[] = {"music\music2.ogg", db+0, 1.0};



Save as description.ext


name : its the music name that you will see in the editor
sound[] : access to your music in your mission folder and, db+0 is the power of the music, increase this (like db+15) to make the music highter

For all music, you must follow this step, add class (music3, music4, etc...) or delete one when its useless for you

2 solutions to activate your music

1.Use script or command like this (in INIT) :

playMusic "music1";

2.Use trigger (F3 > Effects > Music)






Make folder in your mission folder named "sound"

Exemple : C:\Users\your_profile\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\your_mission\sound


Place all of your sounds in .ogg inside

In your mission folder, make text file and create class CfgSounds in following this step

For exemple for 1 sound, it should be like this

class CfgSounds
sounds[] = {sons1};
class sons1
name = "sons1";
sound[] = {"sound\sons1.ogg", db+0, 1};
titles[] = {};



Save as description.ext


name : its the sound name that you will see in the editor

sound[] : access to your sound in your mission folder and, db+0 is the power of the sound, increase this (like db+15) to make the music highter


For all music, you must follow this step, add class (sound3, sound4, etc...) or delete one when its useless for you

To activate sound in your mission you have 2 ways :


1.Place this script or command in INIT :

playSound "sons1";

This following command is interesting to talk to a soldier
Place sound in mono to just listen in one side of your unit

Unite say "sons1";

2.Use trigger (F3 > Effects > Sound)





Make folder in your mission folder named "sound"

Exemple : C:\Users\your_profile\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\your_mission\sound

Place all of your sounds in .ogg inside


Radio sounds have particularity to show in same time a radio message, usefull to make dialogs


In your mission folder, make text file and create class CfgRadio in following this step

class CfgRadio
sounds[] = {RadioMsg1};
class RadioMsg1
name = "RadioMsg1";
sound[] = {"sound\msg1.ogg", db+0, 1.0};
title = "Hi soldier ! welcome back !";


name : its the sound name that you will see in the editor

sound[] : access to your sound in your mission folder and, db+0 is the power of the sound, increase this (like db+15) to make the music highter

title : its your radio message

For all radio messages, you will be in obligation to make class like this (RadioMsg1, RadioMsg2, etc...)

Radio message use this following script

Unite sideRadio "RadioMsg1";

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