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When you apply in the beginning a stuff to a character, if you die, when you respawn you will not keep your equipment that you had in the beginning, you will become "a normal" character



To correct this and respawn with the same gear that you had in the beginning, follow theses steps :

1-Create a file onPlayerRespawn.sqf in your mission folder and past this :

[player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory;

2-Create a file onPlayerKilled.sqf in your mission folder and past this :

[player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;



Save file, save your map and export to multiplayer




When you will die, your stuff that you add in the beginning will appear again (for exemple you had CSAT helmet on your BLUFOR soldier, if you die, your character will come back with this CSAT)

If you leave the server and you come back, the automatic respawn (if respawn is placed on your mission) will work and you will appear with the beginning stuff (not stuff that you claimed)

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