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Make a trigger and in activation, past :

missionNamespace setVariable ["BAS_unitObject", (createGroup east) createUnit ["O_Soldier_F", thisTrigger, [], 0, "NONE"]];

east : side where the object will spawn (west : BLUFOR, east : OPFOR, guerilla : Independant)
O_Soldier_F : unit class/type that will spawn (keep mouse on item in editor to see the class -code-)



Second Method



Make a trigger and in activation, past :

_grp = createGroup east;

_dist = 100;

_grp createUnit ["JMM_O_ITrooperMU", (position thisTrigger) getpos [random _dist ,random 360], [], 0, "NONE"];

_grp createUnit ["JMM_O_ITrooperMU", (position thisTrigger) getpos [random _dist ,random 360], [], 0, "NONE"];

_grp createUnit ["JMM_O_ITrooperMU", (position thisTrigger) getpos [random _dist ,random 360], [], 0, "NONE"];

east : side where the object will spawn (west : BLUFOR, east : OPFOR, guerilla : Independant)
JMM_O_ITrooperMU : unit class/type that will spawn (keep mouse on item in editor to see the class -code-)

100 : distance where characters will spawn from the center



This script will allow you to make area with multiples random locations spawns from a distance. Any unit that will spawn will be (in this exemple) in random location around 100 meters from center


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