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To make a player safezone, where players can not kill each others, you have to follow theses steps



1-In Init.sqf past this :



[] execVM "safezone.sqf";



2-Make safezone.sqf and past inside :



#define SAFETY_ZONES    [["safezone_yanov", 100]] // Syntax: [["marker1", radius1], ["marker2", radius2], ...]
#define MESSAGE "Firing/Grenades Disable this close to Spawn!"

if (isDedicated) exitWith {};
waitUntil {!isNull player};

player addEventHandler ["Fired", {
   if ({(_this select 0) distance getMarkerPos (_x select 0) < _x select 1} count SAFETY_ZONES > 0) then
       deleteVehicle (_this select 6);
        player setDamage 0;
       titleText [MESSAGE, "PLAIN", 3];


3-Place a marker (1x1) on the map (where you want place your safezone) named "safezone_yanov"



The zone around the marker (100 meters) will be protect : no one will be able to shoot any players, after theses 100 meters,  people will be able to shoot

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