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To make radiation area with stuff restriction (for exemple you need head helmet and vest) to come there safe) follow the steps below :



1-In your mission folder, open init.sqf, past the following line :



[] execVM "radzone.sqf";



2-In your mission folder, create radzone.sqf and past inside :



#define RAD_ZONES [["radzone_1", 50], ["radzone_2", 150] , ["radzone_3", 200] , ["radzone_4", 50] , ["radzone_5", 50]] // Syntax: [["marker1", radius1], ["marker2", radius2], ...]
// value of 50 means the circumfrance of the rad zone will be 100 metres
// value of 100 means the circumfrance of the rad zone will be 200 metres
// measure area of effect on editor by placing a marker variable a and b adjusted to the size you want

#define MESSAGE "Warning! Radiation Zone! Please Exit Immediately!"
#define SAFE ""

if (isDedicated) exitWith {};
waitUntil {!isNull player};

player addEventHandler ["AnimChanged", {

  if (headgear player == "H_PilotHelmetFighter_I") then
       hint format [""];

   if ({(_this select 0) distance getMarkerPos (_x select 0) < _x select 1} count RAD_ZONES > 0 AND headgear player != "H_PilotHelmetFighter_I") then
        player setdammage ((getdammage player)+0.04);
        hint format ["Warning! Radiation Zone! Please Equip Gasmask!"];




3-Open the 3DEN Editor and on your mission, place marker (1x1, a point for exemple) and name this marker "radzone_1" or "radzone_2" etc...


For exemple : the radzone_1 will have effect on 50 meters around, radzone_2 on 150 meters around, etc...




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