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To have remote control to open/close vehicles doors, follow theses steps :


Note : following steps are for UH80 Ghosthawk doors, it can work on others vehicles


Place your vehicle on your mission, we will take for this exemple UH80 Ghosthawk, and inside INIT box, past :



veh = this addAction["<t color='#FE2E2E'>REMOTE: Open Doors</t>", "ghostDoors.sqf",1,1,false,true,"","(_target animationPhase 'Door_R' == 0) && (_target animationPhase 'Door_L' == 0)"];
veh = this addAction["<t color='#FE2E2E'>REMOTE: Close Doors</t>", "ghostDoors.sqf",0,1,false,true,"","(_target animationPhase 'Door_R' == 1) && (_target animationPhase 'Door_L' == 1)"];



Make ghostDoors.sqf inside your mission folder and past inside :



_ghost = _this select 0;
_state = _this select 3;
_ghost animateDoor ['door_R', _state];
_ghost animateDoor ['door_L', _state];



Save it, save your mission and export to multiplayer

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