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Follow theses steps to make respawn points :

Respawn names to place in markers (empty_marker) :

For respawn BLUFOR : respawn_west
For respawn OPFOR : respawn_east
For respawn Independant : respawn_guerilla
For respawn Civilian : respawn_civilian

We will follow exemple for BLUFOR respawn


On the map, place markers (empty for exemple) in following this configuration :

Nom : respawn_west
Icone : Vide
Couleur : Defaut
Texte : -nothing-
Axe a : 1
Axe b : 1
Angle : 0



If you want to make second respawn point for BLUFOR, place again a marker and follow this configuration :

Nom : respawn_west2
Icone : Vide
Couleur : Defaut
Texte : -nothing-
Axe a : 1
Axe b : 1
Angle : 0

You can do this method times you want



Allez ici : C:\Users\your_name\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\<votre mission>

You will find mission.sqm : dont touch it, its the mission file (map file)

Create text file and past this :


respawn = "BASE";
respawndelay = 3;



The respawn time will be of 3 seconds, you can modify this in changing the number

After have placed this script in the text file, save it in doing "save as" and in the menu "file type", places "all files". Name the file in description.ext


So, you will be with 2 files : mission.sqm and description.ext in your mission folder

Go back to the game and to the editor, save your map again, everytime save and "export to multiplayer mission" to play in multiplayer

Launch game in LAN or on internet to test your map and see you respawn work (make echap -> respawn or die)

Pour les vehicules

In the description.ext, add this line : respawnVehicleDelay = time  (seconds)

Exemple : respawnVehicleDelay = 50;


Save, go back to editor and place marker with respawn_vehicle_west name


Double-click on your vehicle that you want to make respawn and in init place :


this respawnVehicle [-1];

Remarque : [-1] refers to timer of "respawnVehicleDelay"

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