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To make hostage system, follow this procedure :




STEP 1 : In your mission folder, make rescuePows.sqf file and past this inside :



_per = _this select 0;  // Person who had the addAction
_ldr = _this select 1;  // Person who used the addAction
_act = _this select 2;  // ID of the addAction

// Group given in the arguments section (ie: [POWS]
_grp = _this select 3 select 0;

// Remove the rescue option
_per removeAction _act;

// Join preselected units (POWS) to callers group, silently.
{[_x] joinSilent _ldr} forEach _grp;






STEP 2 : Go to the editor and on your mission place your soldier and write in his INIT box :



POWS = [p1,p2,p3,p4]






STEP 3 :Now place on your mission 4 civilians and name each other like this :



p1 (for the first civilian)

p2 (for the second civilian)

p3 (for the third civilian)

p4 (for the fourth civilian)


Inside p1 INIT box, past this :



this addAction ["Rescue POWs","rescuePows.sqf",[POWS],1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this) < 3"];






STEP 4 : Now, make a trigger to make mission victory somewhere. Place your trigger (20x20 size for exemple) and follow this configuration :



Type : End n°1

Activation : Anyone

Activation type : Present


In condition, past this :


p1 in thislist;


When unit p1 will come inside this trigger, mission victory will appear






STEP 5 : make a trigger to make mission lost. Place trigger somewhere (0x0 size, its just situation trigger) and follow this configuration :


Type : Lose

Activation : Anyone

Activation type : Present


In condition, past this :


!alive p1


When unit p1 will die, mission lost will appear





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